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Sách CFA 2024 Level I - SchweserNotes Book 1,2,3,4,5 - HanoiBookstore

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Sách CFA 2024 Level I - SchweserNotes Book 1,2,3,4,5 - HanoiBookstore

Sách gia công - Bìa mềm - keo gáy
Absorbing the CFA® Program curriculum in its
entirety is easily the most challenging part of preparing for the exam.
SchweserNotes™ helps you retain critical information by breaking the
content into CFA Level I notes, complete with examples and quizzes
covering each exam topic.
More Than Just CFA Level I Books.
SchweserNotes™ have continuously evolved to meet your study needs:
Integrated into our online learning platform, so you can quickly reference a concept while reviewing practice questions
Delivered in bite-sized modules, making it easier to study in shorter segments
Includes online module and topic quizzes designed to help you retain and practice every concept
Available in print, online, and eBook formats—giving you multiple ways to take in the content
If you want to pass the CFA exam, make sure your study plan includes CFA Level I SchweserNotes™.
Thể loại:Business & Economics - Professional Finance
In lần thứ:1
Nhà xuát bản:Kaplan Schweser
Ngôn ngữ:english
Loạt:2024 CFA© Level I SchweserNotes


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