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New economy TOEIC RC 1000 (Sách đen trắng) Sách tiếng anh

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New economy TOEIC RC 1000 (Sách đen trắng) Sách tiếng anh

New economy TOEIC RC 1000 (Sách gia công, bìa mềm)
Thể loại:Medicine
In lần thứ:1
Ngôn ngữ:english
Hispanic Families at Risk: The New Economy, Work, and the Welfare State
by Ronald Angel, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA
and Jacqueline Angel, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA
In the United States, work is the key to economic success, as well as the major source of health care coverage and retirement security. While Europeans look to the State for these benefits, Americans for the most part do not. This system of employment-based benefits means that those disadvantaged in the labor market are also disadvantaged in terms of health care coverage and retirement security.
The authors of this work examine the overrepresentation of Mexican Americans in low wage or service sector jobs, which rarely come with health insurance or retirement coverage. At all ages, Mexican Americans have lower rates of health insurance and retirement coverage than do other minority groups, such as African Americans or other Hispanic groups.

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