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Atomic Kotlin

(0 đánh giá)

For both beginning and experienced programmers! From the author of the multi-award-winning Thinking in C++ 

Thể loại:Computers - Computer Science
Ngôn ngữ:English

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and Thinking in Java together with a member of the Kotlin language team comes a book that breaks the concepts into small, easy-to-digest "atoms," along with exercises supported by hints and solutions directly inside IntelliJ IDEA!

No programming background necessary.
Summaries for experienced programmers.
Easy steps via very small chapters ("atoms").
Free accompanying exercises/solutions within IntelliJ Idea.
Gives you a strong Kotlin foundation.
Kotlin is cleaner, more consistent and far more powerful than Java.
Increase programming productivity with Kotlin's clear, concise syntax.
Produce safer, more reliable programs.
Kotlin easily interacts with Java.
Effortlessly migrate by adding pieces of Kotlin to an existing Java project.
Support for Windows, Mac and Linux.
Free version of Intellij IDEA includes extensive Kotlin support.
Book resources, live seminars, workshops and consulting available at AtomicKotlin.com.

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