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ArcGIS Pro 3.x Cookbook 2nd Edition - Hanoi Bookstore

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ArcGIS Pro 3.x Cookbook 2nd Edition - Hanoi BookstoreSách gia công, Bìa mềm


ArcGIS Pro is Esri's newest desktop Geographic Information System (GIS) application with powerful tools for visualizing, maintaining, and analyzing data. As it replaces older platforms like ArcMap and ArcCatalog applications, users are quickly migrating to ArcGIS Pro, which features a modern ribbon interface and 64-bit processing to increase the speed and efficiency of using GIS. Written by a geospatial industry leader with 28+ years of experience, this cookbook will help existing ArcMap users transition to ArcGIS Pro and teach new users how to make the most of the powerful GIS tools it contains.


After a brief refresher on ArcGIS Pro and working with projects, you'll be quickly taken through recipes for creating geodatabases and using various data formats supported by the application. You'll learn how to link external tables to enrich existing GIS datasets in ArcGIS before exploring methods for editing 2D and 3D data, and gain an understanding of how topology ensures data integrity. The last set of chapters will teach you how to enable advanced behavior in a geodatabase.


After working through the recipes in this book, you'll be ready to use ArcGIS Pro as your primary desktop GIS application for maintaining, analyzing, and displaying data using its diverse toolkit.


Thể loại:Computers - Applications & Software


In lần thứ:2nd

Ngôn ngữ:english


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